Elements within the DFS being susceptible to infected by malware.
Risk: Malware attacks and inability to transact, service outages, and unauthorised access to data occur at the Merchant / DFS provider
Affected entity: Third-Party, DFS Provider
Vulnerability: Failure to use anti-malware
Vulnerability: Undetected system application weaknesses (SD: Data Confidentiality)
Control 13.5: The merchant should work with its solution provider to ensure that any audit or logging capability is enabled. The solution provider should ensure that logging capabilities exist with enough granularity to detect abnormal events.
Control 13.6: The solution provider should guide the merchant on the merchant’s responsibility to review the logs. Additionally, regularly inspect system logs and reports for abnormal activity. If abnormal activity is suspected or discovered, discontinue access to the mobile device and its payment application until the issue has been resolved. Abnormal activities include, but are not limited to, unauthorized access attempts, escalated privileges, and unauthorized updates to software or firmware.
Affected entity: Third-Party, DFS Provider
Vulnerability: Network exposure to outside attacks (SD: Availability)
Risk: Installation of malware such as spyware and trojans
Vulnerability: No anti-malware or anti-virus software is used or updated regularly (SD: Availability)|
Risk: remote code execution
Vulnerability: Obsolete device software
Vulnerability: No anti-malware or anti-virus software is used or updated regularly (SD: Availability)
Vulnerability: User device tampering and rooting (SD: Integrity)
Affected entity: MNO
Risk: Inability to transact and service compromise
Vulnerability: Network exposure to outside attacks (SD: Availability)
Last updated