Compromise of DFS Infrastructure

Attacks as targeting the underlying infrastructure of the DFS ecosystem.

Affected entity: MNO & DFS Provider

Risk: Infrastructure and data compromise

  • Vulnerability: _Insecure and inadequate access controls on user accounts (SD: access control)

Risk: Service outage and inability to transact.

  • Vulnerability: Untested Service restoration (SD: availability)

Risk: Data exfiltration and modification, compromise of transaction integrity, and interruption of service

  • Vulnerability: Inadequate data controls like inadequate implementation of ACID tests (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) on transactions, allowing them to exist in a partially completed state (SD: data integrity)

Affected entity: Third-Party Provider

Risk: Inability for the user to transact.

  • Vulnerability: Inadequate mechanisms to assure data integrity and over-reliance on external trust anchors (SD: non-repudiation)

Last updated